Leo Chan

LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® | Building a Culture of Innovation | Empowering Innovators

Leo is the founder of Abound Innovation Inc. He's a people and heart-first entrepreneur who believes everyone can be an innovator. An innovator himself, with 55 US patents and over 20 years of experience, Leo has come alongside organizations like Chick-fil-A, Amazon and SXSW, guiding them to unleash the innovative potential of their employees by transforming them into confident innovators.

Leo is also one of this year's top ten rated speakers at the WBECS Pre-Summit and has a course on innovation on LinkedIn. His friendly, joyful and enthusiastic demeanor makes the journey to innovation exciting and attainable. Leo’s also a LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® trainer & facilitator who believes unlocking innovation takes new approaches.  

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Signature Topics

YES! You Can Innovate: Come and discover what innovation is really about and be challenged to embrace the call of the innovator.

Building a Thriving Culture of Innovation:  Learn the eight key building blocks to build a thriving culture of innovation in your organization.

Creating Bigger, Better, Bolder Ideas: Break free from the limits of conventional thinking as you discover practical strategies to generate game changing ideas.

LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®: Want a way to unlock more innovation & creativity at your workplace? LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® is the most powerful business tool you've probably never heard of.

The Life-Changing Power of Curiosity:  Learn the process of curiosity and why it is so important. Discover the challenges and roadblocks that prevent curiosity and learn tools and exercises to nurture your own curiosity.

Unleash the World of Possibilities through the Beginner's Mindset:  The Beginner’s Mindset is an essential mindset to have in innovation, but it’s difficult to practice and is often overlooked. In this session, participants will learn about this mindset and experience the transforming power through experiential learning and reflection.

Unlocking Limitless Innovation: Forging Safe Havens For Yourself and Your Teams:  Experience the difference between safe and unsafe environments. Learn how to cultivate a healthy, safe environment that empowers innovation and be equipped with tools to develop this for yourselves and others.


"I would highly recommend Leo Chan to speak at your next event!  He inspired our audience to think outside the box and reminded them that they too, can be innovators. He had us laughing and crying and we are ready to hear him again!

Leigh Atherton, Sr. Vice President of Community Relations, The Guardian Foundation, Inc.

"Leo’s contagious enthusiasm, inherent curiosity, and intelligence surrounding the science of innovation is leagues beyond others in this field. He is the innovation expert and speaker you have been looking for".

Founder, Lion Leadership

"Leo Chan was an invaluable addition to our recent staff-wide conference. Not only is he a gifted speaker and leader on the subject of innovation, but his willingness to dialogue with our staff made a huge impact. He didn't just come in to speak and leave, but he was fully present with our staff. His intelligence, wisdom, humility and servant-hearted leadership made all the difference".

Manager of Internal Events, The WinShape Foundation

“Leo Chan's presentation on innovation stood out as one of the best in WBECS 2023 (World Business & Executive Coach Summit)! His warm, practical and energetic approach kept the audience engaged throughout and the coaches were thrilled with the actionable takeaways he provided. From the session, coaches were inspired to use innovative methods to develop their own coaching practice, and to support the clients they serve.”

HEAD OF SPEAKERS- Coaching.com

Speaker Highlights

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Leadership, Training, Inspiration, Live/Virtual